Mat sports | Part 2

Mattensport | Teil 2

Let's go on! In the last part we showed you a few basics for your stomach and bottom. Now we're going to intensify it a little. Are you in? In the next article there will be a few exercises specifically for your legs and bottom, because they also need to be trained and challenged. When doing bodyweight training you should always work different muscle groups. If you trained your stomach the day before, today you'll do your butt muscles and tomorrow maybe an upper body workout? Design your training as you like best. But bring variety into your daily training routine! Not just to avoid one-sided training, but also because every muscle group has its counterpart. Let's take the stomach and back, for example. The two need each other and therefore have to be trained equally.

Remember again that you can intensify many exercises with one of our fitness bands .

Exercise 6: Donkey Kicks

You start this exercise in a quadruped position. Position your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees in line with your hips. Now start by lifting your left leg up, keeping the leg bent and your foot flexed (your toes pulled up).

Your gluteal muscles are primarily stressed here.

Miniband: right thigh and left knee | left thigh and right knee

Recommended repetitions: 3 sets of 40 seconds each

Miniband: thighs

Recommended repetitions: 3 sets of 40 seconds each

Exercise 7: Side step squats

Here we would like to briefly refer you to our mini bands, which will really make your muscles burn – we promise!

For this exercise, sit down in a deep squat and make sure that your knees do not go over your toes. Stay in this position and take alternate steps to the left and then to the right. Start with your left leg, place it outwards and follow with the second leg. Now start with the right and first place this leg out to the side to pull the left one after that. During this exercise, stay in the squat position. If that is still too much for you, then come up once on each side before sitting down deeply in the squat again.

An excellent exercise for your glutes.

Miniband: Thigh

Recommended repetitions: 3 sets of 30 seconds each

Exercise 8: Squats with calf raises

Get into the squat position, stand with your legs apart so that your knees and toes point slightly outwards. From the deep squat, come up onto your toes, lifting your heels. Tighten your glutes. From this position, come back down into the wide squat in one fluid movement.

This exercise is perfect for strengthening the calf and glute muscles.

Strengthen your leg and buttock muscles.

Miniband: Thigh

Recommended repetitions: 3 sets of 30 seconds each

Exercise 9: Lunges with Twist

You could already read how a lunge works in the first part of our training. Now we're going to add a twist. So you put one leg far forward again, go low with the back leg, keep your back straight and don't let your front legs go past your toes. As soon as you've reached the bottom, turn your entire torso to the side. Your hands are clasped together and your arms are stretched. You also move them to the side during the twist. Now turn back to the middle, come back up, stretch your legs almost straight, and then immediately sink low again with the back leg.

With this exercise you not only train your leg muscles, but thanks to the rotation also your torso and thus your side abdominal muscles.

Ideal balance training, combined with stability and strengthening of the leg and buttock muscles.

Miniband: Thigh

Recommended repetitions: 3 sets of 20 seconds each

Exercise 10: Lunge Booty Lift

You also perform a very controlled lunge in this exercise. But when you come up, you actively push yourself up from the heel of your front foot, shift your entire body weight onto your front foot and stretch your back leg backwards. You flex your foot as you do so. Now you feel additional tension in your bottom. Then you come back into a lunge in a flowing movement and then push yourself up again before you stretch out your leg and gently kick it backwards.

Your glutes will thank you.

Miniband: Thigh

Recommended repetitions: 2 sets of 20 seconds per leg

Exercise 11: Jumping Lunges

Now we come to the ultimate lunge, is that OK? For this exercise, you go into a normal lunge again. Tighten your core and sink a little deeper. Now jump explosively into the air, switch legs during the jump and land in a lunge again. This time your other leg lands in front. Perform this exercise quickly and in a controlled manner, but be sure of every movement to avoid injury.

Perfect for balance, stability and strengthening of the leg and buttock muscles.

Miniband: Thigh

Recommended repetitions: 1-2 sets of 20 seconds each

Man training on fitness mat with laptop

In the next block we will address other muscle groups again. Variety in your training plan will help you to stick to it and your muscles will also appreciate a little rest. Because when the stressed muscles recover, muscle growth begins. This does not happen during training, as you might assume.